Thank you for visiting Ditidaht Places.
Ditidaht Places is produced by Ditidaht Community School, in collaboration with Mapster Tech.
ƛ̓ekoo ƛ̓ekoo to the many late and current Ditidaht Elders and Knowledge Holders who have shared their knowledge of Ditidaht places. The place names shared on our map are among many that have been recorded by Ditidaht Elders, including during a place name research project conducted with anthropologists Dorothy Kennedy and Randy Bouchard. ƛ̓ekoo ƛ̓ekoo to Ditidaht linguists Dorothy Shepherd and Deborah Mack for sharing place name transcriptions, and to Dorothy for her place name pronunciations.
In addition to speaking with their Elders and families, students have consulted sources including the Ditidaht First Nation Traditional Use and Occupancy Study, archival documents, photographs, and studies in archaeology, ethnography, and ethnobotany.
If you have questions or comments about the Ditidaht Places project, please contact language@ditidahtcommunityschool.ca.
For more information about pronunciation and the Ditidaht Alphabet, visit our language learning website.
Terms of Use
This website has been created for educational purposes.
The information on this website does not represent all Ditidaht place names or all Ditidaht history and knowledge. Nor does it address all matters related to Ditidaht’s Aboriginal rights, Aboriginal title, or Ditidaht territory, language, culture, and tradition.
Content may not be reproduced in other publications, commercial or otherwise, and may not be used for purposes other than education without the express written consent of Ditidaht First Nation Council including, without limitation, any regulatory or government decisions, industry consultation processes, or any court or administrative proceedings.
Ditidaht First Nation Council may be contacted via Councillor Anne Pettet, Education Portfolio, at apettet@ditidaht.ca.
© 2020 Ditidaht First Nation